It has been a fantastic week full of so many miracles! Sister Brower and I feel like Heavenly Father has been blessing us so much for having to deal with such a hard 5 weeks in a trio...He is so good to us!
It all started with Monday...went shopping at Wal Mart. Got a perfect parking spot right in the front, there were exactly 2 bags of the toilet paper that we use sitting on the shelf waiting for us, an extra lane opened right as we were walking by so we could check out quickly. Oh, it was excellent! Then we had a fun bbq with all the sisters and played outside games and things. That night we had TWO family home evenings. First one was at the Legates and we had a bonfire and roasted marshmallows with Valeri :) Then we watched Meet the Mormons with Kitty and Debbie at the TC. Great start of the week!
Wednesday morning the Crandalls drove us out to the mission office to grab our car. First time I have ever had a car of my own on my mission. It's been so heavenly! We don't have to ask for rides to everything or wait around to use other sister's cars. It makes things so much easier especially when we have so many extra meetings and things that we have to go to. Took the car home and cleaned it out. Elders had it before, so it was kinda dirty and stinky haha. Then we got to drive to district meeting in it. Pretty good district meeting. Went to 5 guys for lunch afterwards. We were both extremely exhausted and our stomachs weren't feeling the best so we got a large fry of our Idaho potatoes, went home and made fry sauce, and then took a nap before our shift at the TC. Don't know how fries were supposed to help our stomachs, but whatever. It was Sister Brower's idea ;) When we got to the TC we had to contact the Assistants and figure miles out for the transfer since we got an extra car for the TC. Such a bother. I can't stand miles. The rest of our shift was great though! So many more families are coming into the TC now that it's summer break. I love it! My favorite tours are with families :)
Thursday morning we went to the dentist to fix Sister Brower's permanent retainer that was coming off, then headed to the TC since we were supposed to be on shift. Luckily we had some sisters to cover for us for a couple hours. We also had to make the summer fireside fliers that we're going to be having all throughout the summer. Always so busy, and I love it! That night we went to the clinic and then went out to eat with the Faireview sisters because Dr. Fischer had a meeting so he couldn't take us out to eat.
Friday we had MLC! Didn't have to ask for a ride because we had our own car to drive! (Sorry, just had to add that. It's kind of a big deal for us) It was the Westons last MLC meeting :( It was so excellent. We talked a lot about how to improve our district meetings and Sabbath Day Observance. We also had a question and answer with the Westons which was pretty special because they expressed to us how they were really feeling about leaving and everything. I am so sad that they are leaving, but I know I need to be happy and excited for our new mission president and his wife. After our meeting and lunch, we went to the TC to take care of some things and print off copies of the fliers such. Then had dinner and spent the next hour trying to find someone to go to this special broadcast that we were having that night at the stake center. 3 members of the General Women's Presidencies came to speak to us but as missionaries we're only allowed to go if we have a less active, recent convert, or investigator come. All our people cancelled, so we tried everyone and their dog but everyone kept making so many excuses not to go. I don't think anyone understood how important and special it was! People are just so different here in Nebraska and the church isn't as big of a deal as it is in Utah or Idaho. We were so disappointed...we had been looking forward to it all week, but went to be on shift at the TC instead since all the other sisters got to go to the broadcast. It was actually really nice being on shift with just senior couples. Didn't have to worry about the drama with the sisters or anyone judging us. We both took a tour and just enjoyed our time there :)
Saturday morning we had to be at the TC at 7 to help Sister Crandall make lunches for the field trip we were having that day. Sister Latey who works here at our Pioneer Library gave our TC training that morning about some of the historical events around this area and the cemeterys. Then she took us all on a tour around the area to see places like where the Mormon Battalion was mustered and Hyde park. We divided all the sisters and senior couples in half, so Sister Brower and I went on the tour in the morning from 9-12. It rained just about the entire time but it was so much fun and so interesting! Then we had to rush to an appointment we had at 1 with a new less active that the elders had gone to see last week and handed her over to us since she's a single lady. She's so wonderful and so ready to come back to church. Hasn't been active in 10 years. Her name is Rebecca and the RS President came with us and it was such a good lesson. We were shift that night and were able to be on Teaching Center (chat) for part of the time, and then took some great tours.
Sunday we didn't have ward council at 7:30 in the morning. Miracle! Got to sleep in until 6:30 ;) Church was excellent. Chris and Girly came, as well as Rebecca, Cathleen, and Christy and Bruce. Yay! The TC was crazy that night with so many people. I love summer!
Anyways, I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week!
Sister Ferrara :)
late Memorial Day bbq celebration! |
Bonfire with Valeri |
Field trip with Sister Fronk and Sister Funk |
My sweet MTC companion, Sister Hodges :) |
Remember seeing a picture of me in front of this with Sister Durrant last summer? Can't believe it's been that long already... |
Hyde park in the rain! This is where the 12 apostles received revelation to make Brigham Young the next prophet! |
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